State Disproportionate Share Payment
More specifically to the Texas reimbursement programs and Medicaid payments, we routinely work with clients in the evaluation of the state Disproportionate Share payments (DSH). Our firm prepares and evaluates certain payment models, and to the extent that the facility meets the qualifications for the state DSH payment, we assist in the completion and filing of the recently revised and expanded state DSH application and the State DSH appeal process. A large part of the filing for the state DSH application and appeal cycle entails a more detailed evaluation of Medicaid costs, charges and uncompensated care dollars, and adjudicated Medicaid claims to ensure for the correct and complete DSH and UPL payments.

Our Comprehensive State DSH Services:
- DSH application compilation and filing
- DSH application modeling tool
- DSH claims appeal through our proprietary software tool
- Assessments of data capture for charity and uninsured
- Support for supplemental data and DSH audits
- Provider representation and support throughout the DSH appeal and audit process
- Assistance with future state claims’ adjudication and data capture processes
- Timely feedback and updates on State and Legislative Developments
- Strategies for state and federal rules and regulations